«Притяжение преданности | Омовение Шри Джаганнатха. День ухода Мукунды Датты и Шридхара Пандита». Шрила Б. С. Госвами Махарадж. 17 июня 2019 года. Гупта Говардхан | “The Gravitational Force of Devotion | Snan Yatra (bathing) of Sri Jagannathdev. Disappearance of Srila Mukunda Datta and Srila Sridhar Pandit.” Srila B. S. Goswami Maharaj. June 17, 2019. Gupta Govardhan

На русском

Аудио (послушать/загрузить): https://mahamandala.com/en/audios/1547

Святое Имя Кришны — величайший драгоценный камень всех духовных звуков. — В Кали-югу главное — это вайшнав. — Сокровенный смысл песни, которую Махапрабху пел перед Джаганнатхом. — Попытки царя Пратапарудры встретиться с Махапрабху. — Джаганнатх: Его божественная форма. — Как понять, что Махапрабху — это сам Господь? История Сарвабхаумы Бхаттачарьи. — Према-санкиртана, пронзающая Вселенную. — Мукунда Датта и Кхолавече Шридхар.

In English

 Audio (listen/download): http://www.mahamandala.com/en/audios/1537

— 108 Upanishads give illumination to the Holy Name of Krishna is the crown jewel of all sounds.
— The soul is enveloped in “bad intelligence” now.
— There is only one thing in Kali-yuga: a Vaishnav.
— Devotee is at the heart of Krishna conception.
— Not everyone can understand what Mahaprabhu sings in front of Jagannath.
— Rupa Goswami’s reads what in Mahaprabhu’s inner heart.
— Jagannath is astonished to see the dance of Mahaprabhu.
— Prataparudra Maharaja’s attempts to get Mahaprabhu darshan.
— Ramananda Ray’s praise of Prataparudra Maharaj: getting the devotees’ mercy first.
— Foundation for Ratha-yatra: separation with Jagannath due to His cold after the bathing, feeling a bit under the weather.
— Geosynchronous: Mahaprabhu returns to Puri when His devotees arrive.
— 200 mahabhagavatas.
— Heart as a charioteer—devotees came to see Mahaprabhu before Jagannath’s darshan.
— Jagannath’s form: G-force in action—the pull of Vrindavan that He cannot escape.
— Mahaprabhu in Sarvabhauma’s house: The Lord or the Lord’s devotee?
— Mahaprabhu distributes prasadam, enough for 4.
Prem-sankirtan: everyone participating has Krishna-prem.
— Mukunda Datta—the best singer in Vrindavan.
Krishna-karnamrita and Brahma-samhita were brought by Mahaprabhu from South India.
Kirtan that goes throughout the Universe—not mundane sound, finer than the finest.
Chaitanya-charitamrita: live feed of the pastimes.
— Mahaprabhu, like Krishna, was looking at each one simultaneously.
— Kholaveche Sridhar asked for a boon: let Mahaprabhu cheat him lifetime after lifetime.
— Last evening before Mahaprabhu’s sannyas.


←  «Снана-ятра Шри Джаганнатха». Шрила Б. Р. Мадхусудан Махарадж. 28 июня 2018 года. Томск. Шри Чайтанья Сарасват Сева ашрам ·• Архив новостей •· «Мукунда Датта, ветвь древа Чайтаньи». «Чайтанья-чаритамрита», Ади-лила, 10.40 | “Mukunda Datta, a Branch of the Chaitanya Tree.” Chaitanya-charitamrita, Adi-lila, 10.40

На русском

Аудио (послушать/загрузить): https://mahamandala.com/en/audios/1547

Святое Имя Кришны — величайший драгоценный камень всех духовных звуков. — В Кали-югу главное — это вайшнав. — Сокровенный смысл песни, которую Махапрабху пел перед Джаганнатхом. — Попытки царя Пратапарудры встретиться с Махапрабху. — Джаганнатх: Его божественная форма. — Как понять, что Махапрабху — это сам Господь? История Сарвабхаумы Бхаттачарьи. — Према-санкиртана, пронзающая Вселенную. — Мукунда Датта и Кхолавече Шридхар.

In English

 Audio (listen/download): http://www.mahamandala.com/en/audios/1537

- 108 Upanishads give illumination to the Holy Name of Krishna is the crown jewel of all sounds.
- The soul is enveloped in “bad intelligence” now.
- There is only one thing in Kali-yuga: a Vaishnav.
- Devotee is at the heart of Krishna conception.
- Not everyone can understand what Mahaprabhu sings in front of Jagannath.
- Rupa Goswami’s reads what in Mahaprabhu’s inner heart.
- Jagannath is astonished to see the dance of Mahaprabhu.
- Prataparudra Maharaja’s attempts to get Mahaprabhu darshan.
- Ramananda Ray’s praise of Prataparudra Maharaj: getting the devotees’ mercy first.
- Foundation for Ratha-yatra: separation with Jagannath due to His cold after the bathing, feeling a bit under the weather.
- Geosynchronous: Mahaprabhu returns to Puri when His devotees arrive.
- 200 mahabhagavatas.
- Heart as a charioteer—devotees came to see Mahaprabhu before Jagannath’s darshan.
- Jagannath’s form: G-force in action—the pull of Vrindavan that He cannot escape.
- Mahaprabhu in Sarvabhauma’s house: The Lord or the Lord’s devotee?
- Mahaprabhu distributes prasadam, enough for 4.
- Prem-sankirtan: everyone participating has Krishna-prem.
- Mukunda Datta—the best singer in Vrindavan.
- Krishna-karnamrita and Brahma-samhita were brought by Mahaprabhu from South India.
- Kirtan that goes throughout the Universe—not mundane sound, finer than the finest.
- Chaitanya-charitamrita: live feed of the pastimes.
- Mahaprabhu, like Krishna, was looking at each one simultaneously.
- Kholaveche Sridhar asked for a boon: let Mahaprabhu cheat him lifetime after lifetime.
- Last evening before Mahaprabhu’s sannyas.

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