“Inner Happiness.” Srila B. S. Goswami Maharaj. 1 August, 2016. Gupta Govardhan

In English

— Material happiness is like a drop of water in a desert. Of what value is a drop of water there? What do we most often associate with that desert condition and the desperation for water? — The mirage. One idea is oasis, but another is the mirage... Which means: illusion of water and relief to your suffering — "It's just ahead!" In the pursuit of that mirage so many skeletons are lying there.

←  «Шри Шри Према-Дхама-Дева-стотрам | Стихи 11–20». Поэма, написанная на санскрите Шрилой Б. Р. Шридхаром Махараджем, прославляющая божественные деяния Шри Гаурангадева (поет Манас Кришна Прабху) ·• Архив новостей •· «Шри Шри Према-Дхама-Дева-стотрам | Стихи 21–30». Поэма, написанная на санскрите Шрилой Б. Р. Шридхаром Махараджем, прославляющая божественные деяния Шри Гаурангадева (поет Манас Кришна Прабху)  →

In English

- Material happiness is like a drop of water in a desert. Of what value is a drop of water there? What do we most often associate with that desert condition and the desperation for water? — The mirage. One idea is oasis, but another is the mirage... Which means: illusion of water and relief to your suffering — "It's just ahead!" In the pursuit of that mirage so many skeletons are lying there.

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