Погрузись глубоко в реальность с Бхакти Судхиром Госвами. 30 мая 2016 года. Гупта Говардхан

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“The capacity to recognize Vaishnavata is in itself evidence of Vaishnavata.”

“For the maximum development of faith, a disciple should put all faith even in a primary level teacher.”

“Substance of the Bhagavad-gita is so overwhelming that the method of transmission is irrelevant.”

“Who’s got recognition from a Vaishnava is a Vaishnava.”

“Association means faithful adherence to the order of Sri Guru.”

“What makes something tasteful — hunger. Separation is the key to releasing the tasting capacity.”

←  «Пратиштха | Песни и киртан». Шрила Б. Н. Ачарья Махарадж. 23 декабря 2012 года | “Pratistha | Singing Songs and Doing Kirtan.” Srila B. N. Acharya Maharaj. 23 December 2012 ·• Архив новостей •· Празднование дня установки Божеств Шри Гауранги и Шри Нитай Чандры на вилле «Говинда». 22 мая 2016 года. Сочи  →

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“The capacity to recognize Vaishnavata is in itself evidence of Vaishnavata.”

“For the maximum development of faith, a disciple should put all faith even in a primary level teacher.”

“Substance of the Bhagavad-gita is so overwhelming that the method of transmission is irrelevant.”

“Who’s got recognition from a Vaishnava is a Vaishnava.”

“Association means faithful adherence to the order of Sri Guru.”

“What makes something tasteful — hunger. Separation is the key to releasing the tasting capacity.”

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