“Makar Sankranti | Mahaprabhu’s sannyas day.” Srila B. S. Goswami Maharaj. January 15, 2016. Gupta Govardhan

Makara-sankranti. — Last night in Nabadwip. — The separation’s piercing the heart and creates a channel for Krishna-prem. — Nimai Pandit approaches Keshava Bharati. — Mother’s permission. — Chandrashekhar Acharya is deputed for Mahaprabhu’s sannyas initiation. — Barber who shaved Mahaprabhu became a sweetmaker. — Gopi-bhav mantram. — The Guru-form of Krishna is Gauranga. — 10 million of Cupids and golden mirrors — the beauty of Mahaprabhu. — Chaitanya Das: relishing on the endless divine loop. — Mad search for Krishna — the essence of Krishna consciousness. — Mahaprabhu gives the mood of separation. — Where is the zenith point of service necessity? — The joy of union and separation. — First meeting with the devotees in the house of Advaita Acharya. — Kurukshetra of Bhagavad-gita and Kurukshetra where the Gopis meet Krishna. — Three things that Mahaprabhu wants to experience. — How can the higher taste be revealed to someone? — Krishna-lila in distribution mode — Gaura-lila. — By faithfully hearing you’ll be blessed with capacity for appreciation.

←  “Pull of the Heart | Sriman Mahaprabhu’s Sannyas-lila.” Srila B. S. Goswami Maharaj. January 15, 2018. Gupta Govardhan ·• Архив новостей •· «Санньяса Махапрабху. Бесхитростная любовь». Шрила Б. Р. Шридхар Дев-Госвами Махарадж. 15 января 1983 года. Навадвипа Дхама, Индия. «Онтология Прекрасной Реальности», часть 16  →

Makara-sankranti. – Last night in Nabadwip. – The separation’s piercing the heart and creates a channel for Krishna-prem. – Nimai Pandit approaches Keshava Bharati. – Mother’s permission. – Chandrashekhar Acharya is deputed for Mahaprabhu’s sannyas initiation. – Barber who shaved Mahaprabhu became a sweetmaker. – Gopi-bhav mantram. – The Guru-form of Krishna is Gauranga. – 10 million of Cupids and golden mirrors – the beauty of Mahaprabhu. – Chaitanya Das: relishing on the endless divine loop. – Mad search for Krishna – the essence of Krishna consciousness. – Mahaprabhu gives the mood of separation. – Where is the zenith point of service necessity? – The joy of union and separation. – First meeting with the devotees in the house of Advaita Acharya. – Kurukshetra of Bhagavad-gita and Kurukshetra where the Gopis meet Krishna. – Three things that Mahaprabhu wants to experience. – How can the higher taste be revealed to someone? - Krishna-lila in distribution mode – Gaura-lila. – By faithfully hearing you’ll be blessed with capacity for appreciation.

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