“Gundicha Marjan.” Sripad Paramananda Prabhu. 28 June 2014. Chiang Mai, Thailand

“We were given perfect instructions how to proceed today. That means not just cleansing the temple, buildings, but also means, first of all, to clean our own heart and mind. This is the proper mood and Mahaprabhu explained in details how it should be done. What is gonna happen today is practice. Let’s see, how much attention, how much love we can put in our labour and by that we can judge our own progress.”

  — Sripad Paramananda Prabhu

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←  2 июля пройдет IX Международный фестиваль йоги в Москве, в парке Царицыно, где у нас будет большая площадка ·• Архив новостей •· «Очищение храма Гундича» («Шри Чайтанья-чаритамрита», Мадхья-лила, 12.1; 12.77; 12.95–100). Шрила Кришнадас Кавирадж Госвами  →

“We were given perfect instructions how to proceed today. That means not just cleansing the temple, buildings, but also means, first of all, to clean our own heart and mind. This is the proper mood and Mahaprabhu explained in details how it should be done. What is gonna happen today is practice. Let’s see, how much attention, how much love we can put in our labour and by that we can judge our own progress.”

  - Sripad Paramananda Prabhu

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