«Даша-видха нама-апарадха». Шрила Б. С. Говинда Дев-Госвами Махарадж | “Dasha-vidha Nama-aparadha.” Srila B. S. Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj


Даш́а-видха На̄ма̄пара̄дха

Десять оскорблений Святого Имени

(бенгальское стихотворение, составленное
Ш́рӣлой Бхакти Сундаром Говиндой Дев-Госва̄мӣ Маха̄ра̄джем)


хари-на̄ма маха̄мантра сарва-мантра-са̄ра
йа̄̐дера карун̣а̄-бале джагате прача̄ра
сеи на̄ма-пара̄йан̣а са̄дху, маха̄джана
та̄̐ха̄дера нинда̄ на̄ кариха када̄чана

(1) Харе Кришна маха-мантра, лучшая из всех мантр, по милости святых распространяется по всему свету. Эти святые, преданные Имени — великие души: никогда не оскорбляй их, не относись к ним с пренебрежением.


враджендра-нандана кр̣ш̣н̣а сарвеш́вареш́вара
махеш́вара а̄ди та̄̐ра севана-татпара
на̄ма чинта̄ман̣и кр̣ш̣н̣а-чаитанйа-сварӯпа
бхеда-джн̃а̄на на̄ карибе лӣла̄-гун̣а-рӯпа

(2) Господь Кришна, сын Нанды, — Владыка всех владык. Великий Шива и все небожители вечно служат Ему. Имя Кришны — философский камень, Его воплощение. Не считай, что Имя, игры, качества и облик Кришны отличны от Него.


«гуру кр̣ш̣н̣а-рӯпа хана ш́а̄стрера прама̄н̣е
гуру-рӯпе кр̣ш̣н̣а кр̣па̄ каре бха̄гйава̄не»
се гуруте мартйа-буддхи аваджн̃а̄ди тйаджи
иш̣т̣а-ла̄бха кара, нирантара на̄ма бхаджи

(3) «Гуру — проявление Кришны, — так утверждают священные писания. — В образе Гуру Кришна благословляет удачливые души». Никогда не оскорбляй Гуру, принимая его за обычного смертного. Достигни высшей цели, непрестанно служа Святому Имени под руководством истинного Гуру.


ш́рути, ш́рути-ма̄та̄-саха са̄твата-пура̄н̣а
ш́рӣ-на̄ма-чаран̣а-падма каре нӣра̄джана
сеи ш́рути ш́а̄стра йеба̄ карайе ниндана
се апарадхӣра сан̇га карибе варджана

(4) Веды, мать Гаятри и «Шримад-Бхагаватам» освещают лотосоподобные стопы Имени Шри Хари. Всякий, кто пренебрежительно отзывается об этих святых писаниях, — оскорбитель. Сторонись их общества!


на̄мера махима̄ сарва-ш́а̄стрете ва̄кха̄не
атистути, хена кабху на̄ бха̄виха мане
агастйа, ананта, брахма̄, ш́ива̄ди сатата
дже на̄ма-махима̄-га̄тха̄ сан̇кӣртана-рата
се на̄ма-махима̄-синдху ке па̄ибе па̄ра?
атистути бале йеи — сеи дура̄ча̄ра

(5) Славу Святого Имени превозносят все писания. Не думай, что эта хвала — преувеличение. Агастья, Ананта, Брахма, Шива и другие великие личности всегда искренне прославляют Святое Имя. Кто способен постичь Его безграничное величие? Тот, кто не верит в величие Святого Имени, погряз в грехе!


кр̣ш̣н̣а-на̄ма̄валӣ нитйа голокера дхана
калпита, пра̄кр̣та, бха̄ве — апара̄дхӣ-джана

(6) Святые имена Кришны — вечное богатство Голоки. Тот, кто считает эти имена придуманными, мирскими, — оскорбляет Святое Имя.


на̄ме сарва-па̄па-кш̣айа сарва-ш́а̄стре кайа
са̄ра̄-дина па̄па кари сеи бхараса̄йа —
эмата дурбуддхи йа̄ра сеи апара̄дхӣ
ма̄йа̄-праван̃чита, дух̣кха бхун̃дже ниравадхи

(7) Писания провозглашают, что Святое Имя может очистить от всех грехов. Но того, кто грешит, надеясь, что Святое Имя очистит его, ожидают вечные муки. Такое нечестивое отношение свойственно оскорбителям, обманутым иллюзией.


атулйа ш́рӣ-кр̣ш̣н̣а-на̄ма пӯрн̣а-раса-нидхи
та̄̐ра сама на̄ бха̄виха ш́убха-карма а̄ди

(8) Бесподобное Имя Кришны — сокровищница экстаза: никогда не приравнивай Его воспевание к мирскому благочестию.


на̄ме ш́раддха̄-хӣна-джана — видха̄та̄ ва̄н̃чита
та̄ре на̄ма да̄не апара̄дха суниш́чита

(9) Те, кто не верит в Святое Имя, пребывают в иллюзии: рассказывать им о славе Святого Имени — оскорбление.


ш́унийа̄о кр̣ш̣н̣а-на̄ма-ма̄ха̄тмйа апа̄ра
йе прӣти-рахита, сеи нара̄дхама чха̄ра
ахам̇та̄ мамата̄ йа̄ра антаре ба̄хире
ш́уддха кр̣ш̣н̣а-на̄ма та̄ра кабху на̄хи спхуре

(10) Те, чьи сердца не тают от любви к Богу, хотя они и знают о бесконечной славе Святого Имени Кришны, — лицемеры и обманщики. В их сердцах воцарились гордость и алчность, и Святое Имя Кришны не снизойдет к ним никогда!


эи даш́а апара̄дха карийа̄ варджана
йе суджана каре харина̄ма сан̇кӣртана
апӯрва ш́рӣ-кр̣ш̣н̣а-према лабхйа та̄ре хайа
на̄ма-прабху та̄ра хр̣де нитйа виласайа

(11) Отвергнув эти десять оскорблений, чистые души воспевают Святое Имя Хари вместе с другими преданными. Так они обретают чудо надмирной любви к Шри Кришне. Божественное Имя навеки воцаряется в их сердцах!




Daśa-vidha Nāmāparādha

The Ten Offences to the Holy Name

Bengali poem composed by
Śrīla Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswāmī Mahārāj


hari-nāma mahāmantra sarva-mantra-sāra
yā̐dera karuṇā-bale jagate prachāra
sei nāma-parāyaṇa sādhu, mahājana
tā̐hādera nindā nā kariha kadāchana

Hare Krishna maha-mantra—of all mantras the best,
Throughout the world is preached by saints’ potent grace behest;
Such saints to the Name devoted, such pure souls great:
Never dare offend them—never show them hate.


vrajendra-nandana kṛṣṇa sarveśvareśvara
maheśvara ādi tā̐ra sevana-tatpara
nāma chintāmaṇi kṛṣṇa-chaitanya-svarūpa
bheda-jñāna nā karibe līlā-guṇa-rūpa

Lord Krishna, son of Nanda, of all lords the Leader—
The great Shiva and all the gods serve His feet forever;
The touchstone of the Name is Krishna incarnate—
His pastimes, nature, form, also think not separate.


“guru kṛṣṇa-rūpa hana śāstrera pramāṇe
guru-rūpe kṛṣṇa kṛpā kare bhāgyavāne’’
se gurute martya-buddhi avajñādi tyaji
iṣṭa-lābha kara, nirantara nāma bhaji

“Guru’s a form of Krishna—the Scriptures corroborate;
In the form of Guru, Krishna blesses the fortunate”.
Never offend that Guru by thinking him mere mortal;
Gain our highest objective—serve the Name for time eternal.


śruti, śruti-mātā-saha sātvata purāṇa
śrī-nāma-charaṇa-padma kare nīrājana
sei śruti-śāstra yebā karaye nindana
se aparadhīra saṅga karibe varjjana

The Vedas with Mother Gayatri and Shrimad-Bhagavatam
Illuminate the lotus feet of Shri Hari’s Name;
Whoever vilifies those Holy Vedic Scriptures—
Never keep their company, know them as offenders.


nāmera mahimā sarva-śāstrete vākhāne
atistuti, heno kabhu nā bhāviha mane
agastya, ananta, brahmā, śivādi satata
ye nāma-mahimā-gāthā saṅkīrttana-rata
se nāma-mahimā-sindhu ke pāibe pāra
atistuti bale yei—sei durāchāra

The glories of he Name—all Scriptures’ exaltation;
Dare not think their praise to be exaggeration.
Agastya, Ananta, Brahma, Shiva, etc., ever
Sing the glories of that Name with full-hearted fervour.
Who can cross the ocean of the glories of that Name?
Whoever says exaggeration’ have their sin to blame.


kṛṣṇa-nāmāvali nitya golokera dhana
kalpita, prākṛta, bhāve—aparādhi-jana

The Holy Names of Krishna—eternal wealth of Goloka:
Who thinks those Names imaginary, mundane—he’s offender.


nāme sarva-pāpa-kṣaya sarva-śāstre kaya
sārā-dina pāpa kari sei bharasāya—
emata durbuddhi yāra sei aparādhi
māyā-pravañchita, duḥkha bhuñje niravadhi

All Scriptures claim the Name all sin it can destroy,
But those who spend their time in sin making it a ploy—
Such a wicked attitude is that of an offender
Deceived by illusion, perpetually to suffer.


atulya śrī-kṛṣṇa-nāma pūrṇa-rasa-nidhi
tā̐ra sama nā bhāviha śubha-karma ādi

Incomparable Name of Krishna—the treasure of ecstasy:
Never dare compare it with auspicious piety.


nāme śraddhā-hina-jana—vidhātā vāñchita
tāre nāma dāne aparādha suniśchita

Those who’re faithless t’ward the Name—deceived by Providence:
Giving them the Holy Name surely’s an offence.


śuniyāo kṛṣṇa-nāma-māhātmya apāra
ye prīti-rahita, sei narādhama chhāra
ahaṁtā mamatā yāra antare bāhire
śuddha kṛṣṇa-nāma tāra kabhu nāhi sphure

Despite them hearing the infinite glories of Krishna’s Name,
Those whose hearts don’t melt in love are rascals of ill fame;
Only pride and avarice their thoughts and deeds do yield—
The pure Name of Krishna to them is ne’er revealed.


ei daśa aparādha kariyā varjjana
ye sujana kare harināma saṅkīrttana
apūrva śrī-kṛṣṇa-prema labhya tāre haya
nāma-prabhu tāra hṛde nitya vilasaya

Casting off these ten offences, leaving no exception,
Those pure souls who chant the Name in holy congregation—
The miracle of love for Krishna they will surely savour,
The Name Divine Himself will shine within their hearts forever.



An alternative version of the translation:

Daśa-vidha Nāmāparādha

The Ten Offences to the Holy Name

Bengali poem composed by
Śrīla Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswāmī Mahārāj


hari-nāma mahāmantra sarva-mantra-sāra
yā̐dera karuṇā-bale jagate prachāra
sei nāma-parāyaṇa sādhu, mahājana
tā̐hādera nindā nā kariha kadāchana

(1) The Hare Kṛṣṇa Mahāmantra, the very best of all mantras, is distributed all over the world by the powerful mercy of the sādhus in whose hearts the Holy Name displays His divine Pastimes (Nāma-parāyaṇas). Such Mahājanas (great souls), who are dear-most to the Lord and the source of our connection to His Holy Name, should never be criticised or deprecated at any time.

[First Offence: To offend the Lord’s devotees.]


vrajendra-nandana kṛṣṇa sarveśvareśvara
maheśvara ādi tā̐ra sevana-tatpara
nāma chintāmaṇi kṛṣṇa-chaitanya-svarūpa
bheda-jñāna nā karibe līlā-guṇa-rūpa

(2) Vrajendra-nandan Kṛṣṇa—the Emporium of all rasa, the eternally youthful, original form of the Supreme Personality of Godhead who plays ecstatically within Goloka Vṛndāvan Dhām in the full range of spiritual relationships (rāsas)—is the all-attractive Lord of all Lords (Nārāyaṇ, Viṣṇu, etc.); the Lord of everything and everyone (Sarveśvareśvara). All the Lord’s expansions and all the demigods headed by Lord Śiva (Maheśvara) enthusiastically serve Him with great earnestness, considering Him the supreme object of their devotion (tatpara).

The Lord’s Holy Name is a transcendental, wish-fulfilling gem non-different from Lord Kṛṣṇa Himself (Nāma chintāmaṇi Kṛṣṇa-Chaitanya-svarūpa), so the Lord’s divine Pastimes, qualities and form (līlā-guṇa-rūpa) should never be considered different from His Holy Name (as they are revealed in our hearts by His wish-fulfilling Holy Name who fulfills all of our desires). Alternatively, Nāma chintāmaṇi Kṛṣṇa-Chaitanya-svarūpa... can be taken to mean: Śrī Kṛṣṇa Chaitanya Mahāprabhu is the preeminent, non-different divine form of the wish-fulfilling Holy Name—the Hare Kṛṣṇa Mahāmantra. One should never distinguish the wish-fulfilling Holy Name—Mahāprabhu Himself—from His form, His qualities, or His Pastimes of exhibiting the Holy Name’s infinitely ecstatic, divine nature and fulfilling everyone’s desires by personally distributing prema for Vrajendra-nandan Kṛṣṇa in the full range of spiritual relationships (Madhura-rasa, etc.) through His wish-fulfilling Holy Name.

[Second Offence: To consider the demigods equal to the Supreme Lord; and to consider the Lord’s Holy Name, form, qualities and Pastimes to be distinct from Him.]


“guru kṛṣṇa-rūpa hana śāstrera pramāṇe
guru-rūpe kṛṣṇa kṛpā kare bhāgyavāne’’
se gurute martya-buddhi avajñādi tyaji
iṣṭa-lābha kara, nirantara nāma bhaji

(3) The Scriptures substantiate (Śrī Chaitanya-charitāmṛta, Ādi-līlā, 1.45; Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam: 11.17.27; etc.) that Gurudev is a non-different form of Kṛṣṇa Himself. In His form of Gurudev, Kṛṣṇa bestows His mercy upon the fortunate souls. Therefore, one should reject the illusory propensity to conceive of Gurudev as an ordinary mortal with worldly purpose (martya-buddhi), as well as all disrespect (avamanya), disloyalty, disobedience and contempt (avajñā), envy (asūya), etc. of Gurudev. Rather, one should consider Gurudev his cherished, worshippable Master capable of fulfilling all his desires to gain his highest objective (iṣṭa-lābha— Kṛṣṇa-prema), by faithfully and hopefully serving the Holy Name without cessation, forever.

[Third Offence: To offend Śrī Gurudev.]


śruti, śruti-mātā-saha sātvata purāṇa
śrī-nāma-charaṇa-padma kare nīrājana
sei śruti-śāstra yebā karaye nindana
se aparadhīra saṅga karibe varjjana

(4) The revealed Truth—descending from Mother Gāyatrī into its culmination in the Mahā-purāṇa, Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam—constantly worships (lit. offers ārati to) the lotus feet of Śrī Nāma Prabhu (the Holy Name) with the revelatory, illuminating knowledge of pure devotion. Anyone who blasphemes any of the purely devotional Scriptures of Revealed Truth, either by direct vilification or by propagating antithetical pseudo-doctrines, is an offender whose bad association must always be shunned.

[Fourth Offence: To blasphemy the Scriptures.]


nāmera mahimā sarva-śāstrete vākhāne
atistuti, heno kabhu nā bhāviha mane
agastya, ananta, brahmā, śivādi satata
ye nāma-mahimā-gāthā saṅkīrttana-rata
se nāma-mahimā-sindhu ke pāibe pāra
atistuti bale yei—sei durāchāra

(5) The glories of the Holy Name are proclaimed in all the revealed Scriptures and one should never consider that such glorification is exaggerated praise (atistuti). Agastya, Ananta, Brahmā, Śiva, and all the most highly qualified, exalted and empowered personalities, constantly chant the unending glories of the Holy Name in saṅkīrttan with full-hearted fervour. Who then can cross the infinite, oceanic glories of the Holy Name? Anyone who profanes that the glories of the Holy Name are exaggerated praise (atistuti) is a sinful miscreant devoid of spiritual fortune (sukṛti).

[Fifth Offence: To consider the glories of the Holy Name to be exaggeration.]


kṛṣṇa-nāmāvali nitya golokera dhana
kalpita, prākṛta, bhāve—aparādhi-jana

(6) The Holy Names of Kṛṣṇa are the eternal wealth of Goloka Vṛndāvan, the highest, most ecstatic plane within the self-revealed (adhokṣaja), supra-mundane (aprākṛta) spiritual world. Anyone who fosters the mood that the Holy Names of Kṛṣṇa are imaginary (kalpita) or mundane (prākṛta) is an offender.

[Sixth Offence: To consider the glories of the Holy Name to be mundane or imaginary.]


nāme sarva-pāpa-kṣaya sarva-śāstre kaya
sārā-dina pāpa kari sei bharasāya—
emata durbuddhi yāra sei aparādhi
māyā-pravañchita, duḥkha bhuñje niravadhi

(7) It is the exhaustive conclusion of all the Scriptures that the Holy Name can destroy all sin. But those of duplicitous misconception (durbuddhi) who spend all their days engaged in sinful activity, wickedly relying on the redeeming power of the Holy Name to nullify their sinful activity, are offenders deceived by Māyā (dispossessed of the Holy Name’s grace) who are destined to suffer perpetually.

[Seventh Offence: To sin on the strength of one’s so-called chanting of the Holy Name.]


atulya śrī-kṛṣṇa-nāma pūrṇa-rasa-nidhi
tā̐ra sama nā bhāviha śubha-karma ādi

(8) Śrī Kṛṣṇa-Nāma is an incomparable, overflooded reservoir of rāsa (love, ecstasy, nectar, divine relationship, etc.) non-different from the Lord Himself, and Śrī Kṛṣṇa-Nāma-saṅkīrttan is itself the absolute means to serve and satisfy Kṛṣṇa (i.e. pursue and realise our own divine purpose and objective). Therefore, the chanting of Śrī Kṛṣṇa-Nāma should never be considered equal or even comparable to mere relative, mundane pious karma such as: conventional religiosity (dharma), adhering to vows (vrata), renunciation and penance (tyāga), religious ritual and sacrifice (huta); pilgrimage, philanthropy, nationalism, etc.

[Eighth Offence: To consider chanting the Holy Name equivalent to pious karma.]


nāme śraddhā-hina-jana—vidhātā vāñchita
tāre nāma dāne aparādha suniśchita

(9) Those who are deceived by Providence and therefore faithless and averse to the Holy Name—it is assuredly an offence to instruct them in the process of serving the Holy Name.

[Ninth Offence: To try to give the Holy Name to the faithless.]


śuniyāo kṛṣṇa-nāma-māhātmya apāra
ye prīti-rahita, sei narādhama chhāra
ahaṁtā mamatā yāra antare bāhire
śuddha kṛṣṇa-nāma tāra kabhu nāhi sphure

(10) One who hears the boundless glories of Krṣṇa-Nāma but remains devoid of love for Kṛṣṇa-Nāma—whose heart does not melt in love for Kṛṣṇa-Nāma—is an impenitent and estranged fallen soul, the very lowest of mankind (narādhama chhāra). The pure Holy Name of Kṛṣṇa (śuddha-Kṛṣṇa-Nāma) does not reveal Himself to such persons who resist the divine influence of the Holy Name—whose thoughts, words, and deeds are internally and externally consumed by incorrigible attachment to the mundane, egotistical illusion of “I, me and mine” (ahaṁtā mamatā).

[Tenth Offence: To maintain one’s material attachments while chanting the Holy Name.]


ei daśa aparādha kariyā varjjana
ye sujana kare harināma saṅkīrttana
apūrva śrī-kṛṣṇa-prema labhya tāre haya
nāma-prabhu tāra hṛde nitya vilasaya

(11) The pure souls who engage in Hari-Nāma-saṅkīrttan, avoiding the ten offences to the Holy Name, taste the miraculous fruit of Śrī Kṛṣṇa-prema as Śrī Nāma-Prabhu (the personal, autocratic and merciful Holy Name, non-different from the Lord Himself) appears in their hearts and eternally reveals His ecstatic form, qualities and Pastimes. Alternatively, this verse can be taken to mean:

Those pure souls who engage in Mahāprabhu Śrī Chaitanyadev’s own process of Hari-Nāma-saṅkīrttan, avoiding the ten offences, taste the unprecedented fruit of Kṛṣṇa-prema exclusively distributed by Mahāprabhu, as He Himself (Nāma-Prabhu) appears in their hearts and possesses them with His own Divine Ecstatic Play.


←  «Быстрый способ оставить анартхи». Шрила Б. С. Говинда Дев-Госвами Махарадж. 13 октября 2006 года. Лахта, Санкт-Петербург ·• Архив новостей •· «Святые вайшнавы являют пример смирения» (часть 2). Шрила Б. Н. Ачарья Махарадж. 14 августа 2009 года. Лахта, Санкт-Петербург  →

Даш́а-видха На̄ма̄пара̄дха

Десять оскорблений Святого Имени

(бенгальское стихотворение, составленное
Ш́рӣлой Бхакти Сундаром Говиндой Дев-Госва̄мӣ Маха̄ра̄джем)


хари-на̄ма маха̄мантра сарва-мантра-са̄ра
йа̄̐дера карун̣а̄-бале джагате прача̄ра
сеи на̄ма-пара̄йан̣а са̄дху, маха̄джана
та̄̐ха̄дера нинда̄ на̄ кариха када̄чана

(1) Харе Кришна маха-мантра, лучшая из всех мантр, по милости святых распространяется по всему свету. Эти святые, преданные Имени — великие души: никогда не оскорбляй их, не относись к ним с пренебрежением.


враджендра-нандана кр̣ш̣н̣а сарвеш́вареш́вара
махеш́вара а̄ди та̄̐ра севана-татпара
на̄ма чинта̄ман̣и кр̣ш̣н̣а-чаитанйа-сварӯпа
бхеда-джн̃а̄на на̄ карибе лӣла̄-гун̣а-рӯпа

(2) Господь Кришна, сын Нанды, — Владыка всех владык. Великий Шива и все небожители вечно служат Ему. Имя Кришны — философский камень, Его воплощение. Не считай, что Имя, игры, качества и облик Кришны отличны от Него.


«гуру кр̣ш̣н̣а-рӯпа хана ш́а̄стрера прама̄н̣е
гуру-рӯпе кр̣ш̣н̣а кр̣па̄ каре бха̄гйава̄не»
се гуруте мартйа-буддхи аваджн̃а̄ди тйаджи
иш̣т̣а-ла̄бха кара, нирантара на̄ма бхаджи

(3) «Гуру — проявление Кришны, — так утверждают священные писания. — В образе Гуру Кришна благословляет удачливые души». Никогда не оскорбляй Гуру, принимая его за обычного смертного. Достигни высшей цели, непрестанно служа Святому Имени под руководством истинного Гуру.


ш́рути, ш́рути-ма̄та̄-саха са̄твата-пура̄н̣а
ш́рӣ-на̄ма-чаран̣а-падма каре нӣра̄джана
сеи ш́рути ш́а̄стра йеба̄ карайе ниндана
се апарадхӣра сан̇га карибе варджана

(4) Веды, мать Гаятри и «Шримад-Бхагаватам» освещают лотосоподобные стопы Имени Шри Хари. Всякий, кто пренебрежительно отзывается об этих святых писаниях, — оскорбитель. Сторонись их общества!


на̄мера махима̄ сарва-ш́а̄стрете ва̄кха̄не
атистути, хена кабху на̄ бха̄виха мане
агастйа, ананта, брахма̄, ш́ива̄ди сатата
дже на̄ма-махима̄-га̄тха̄ сан̇кӣртана-рата
се на̄ма-махима̄-синдху ке па̄ибе па̄ра?
атистути бале йеи — сеи дура̄ча̄ра

(5) Славу Святого Имени превозносят все писания. Не думай, что эта хвала — преувеличение. Агастья, Ананта, Брахма, Шива и другие великие личности всегда искренне прославляют Святое Имя. Кто способен постичь Его безграничное величие? Тот, кто не верит в величие Святого Имени, погряз в грехе!


кр̣ш̣н̣а-на̄ма̄валӣ нитйа голокера дхана
калпита, пра̄кр̣та, бха̄ве — апара̄дхӣ-джана

(6) Святые имена Кришны — вечное богатство Голоки. Тот, кто считает эти имена придуманными, мирскими, — оскорбляет Святое Имя.


на̄ме сарва-па̄па-кш̣айа сарва-ш́а̄стре кайа
са̄ра̄-дина па̄па кари сеи бхараса̄йа —
эмата дурбуддхи йа̄ра сеи апара̄дхӣ
ма̄йа̄-праван̃чита, дух̣кха бхун̃дже ниравадхи

(7) Писания провозглашают, что Святое Имя может очистить от всех грехов. Но того, кто грешит, надеясь, что Святое Имя очистит его, ожидают вечные муки. Такое нечестивое отношение свойственно оскорбителям, обманутым иллюзией.


атулйа ш́рӣ-кр̣ш̣н̣а-на̄ма пӯрн̣а-раса-нидхи
та̄̐ра сама на̄ бха̄виха ш́убха-карма а̄ди

(8) Бесподобное Имя Кришны — сокровищница экстаза: никогда не приравнивай Его воспевание к мирскому благочестию.


на̄ме ш́раддха̄-хӣна-джана — видха̄та̄ ва̄н̃чита
та̄ре на̄ма да̄не апара̄дха суниш́чита

(9) Те, кто не верит в Святое Имя, пребывают в иллюзии: рассказывать им о славе Святого Имени — оскорбление.


ш́унийа̄о кр̣ш̣н̣а-на̄ма-ма̄ха̄тмйа апа̄ра
йе прӣти-рахита, сеи нара̄дхама чха̄ра
ахам̇та̄ мамата̄ йа̄ра антаре ба̄хире
ш́уддха кр̣ш̣н̣а-на̄ма та̄ра кабху на̄хи спхуре

(10) Те, чьи сердца не тают от любви к Богу, хотя они и знают о бесконечной славе Святого Имени Кришны, — лицемеры и обманщики. В их сердцах воцарились гордость и алчность, и Святое Имя Кришны не снизойдет к ним никогда!


эи даш́а апара̄дха карийа̄ варджана
йе суджана каре харина̄ма сан̇кӣртана
апӯрва ш́рӣ-кр̣ш̣н̣а-према лабхйа та̄ре хайа
на̄ма-прабху та̄ра хр̣де нитйа виласайа

(11) Отвергнув эти десять оскорблений, чистые души воспевают Святое Имя Хари вместе с другими преданными. Так они обретают чудо надмирной любви к Шри Кришне. Божественное Имя навеки воцаряется в их сердцах!




Daśa-vidha Nāmāparādha

The Ten Offences to the Holy Name

Bengali poem composed by
Śrīla Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswāmī Mahārāj


hari-nāma mahāmantra sarva-mantra-sāra
yā̐dera karuṇā-bale jagate prachāra
sei nāma-parāyaṇa sādhu, mahājana
tā̐hādera nindā nā kariha kadāchana

Hare Krishna maha-mantra—of all mantras the best,
Throughout the world is preached by saints’ potent grace behest;
Such saints to the Name devoted, such pure souls great:
Never dare offend them—never show them hate.


vrajendra-nandana kṛṣṇa sarveśvareśvara
maheśvara ādi tā̐ra sevana-tatpara
nāma chintāmaṇi kṛṣṇa-chaitanya-svarūpa
bheda-jñāna nā karibe līlā-guṇa-rūpa

Lord Krishna, son of Nanda, of all lords the Leader—
The great Shiva and all the gods serve His feet forever;
The touchstone of the Name is Krishna incarnate—
His pastimes, nature, form, also think not separate.


“guru kṛṣṇa-rūpa hana śāstrera pramāṇe
guru-rūpe kṛṣṇa kṛpā kare bhāgyavāne’’
se gurute martya-buddhi avajñādi tyaji
iṣṭa-lābha kara, nirantara nāma bhaji

“Guru’s a form of Krishna—the Scriptures corroborate;
In the form of Guru, Krishna blesses the fortunate”.
Never offend that Guru by thinking him mere mortal;
Gain our highest objective—serve the Name for time eternal.


śruti, śruti-mātā-saha sātvata purāṇa
śrī-nāma-charaṇa-padma kare nīrājana
sei śruti-śāstra yebā karaye nindana
se aparadhīra saṅga karibe varjjana

The Vedas with Mother Gayatri and Shrimad-Bhagavatam
Illuminate the lotus feet of Shri Hari’s Name;
Whoever vilifies those Holy Vedic Scriptures—
Never keep their company, know them as offenders.


nāmera mahimā sarva-śāstrete vākhāne
atistuti, heno kabhu nā bhāviha mane
agastya, ananta, brahmā, śivādi satata
ye nāma-mahimā-gāthā saṅkīrttana-rata
se nāma-mahimā-sindhu ke pāibe pāra
atistuti bale yei—sei durāchāra

The glories of he Name—all Scriptures’ exaltation;
Dare not think their praise to be exaggeration.
Agastya, Ananta, Brahma, Shiva, etc., ever
Sing the glories of that Name with full-hearted fervour.
Who can cross the ocean of the glories of that Name?
Whoever says exaggeration’ have their sin to blame.


kṛṣṇa-nāmāvali nitya golokera dhana
kalpita, prākṛta, bhāve—aparādhi-jana

The Holy Names of Krishna—eternal wealth of Goloka:
Who thinks those Names imaginary, mundane—he’s offender.


nāme sarva-pāpa-kṣaya sarva-śāstre kaya
sārā-dina pāpa kari sei bharasāya—
emata durbuddhi yāra sei aparādhi
māyā-pravañchita, duḥkha bhuñje niravadhi

All Scriptures claim the Name all sin it can destroy,
But those who spend their time in sin making it a ploy—
Such a wicked attitude is that of an offender
Deceived by illusion, perpetually to suffer.


atulya śrī-kṛṣṇa-nāma pūrṇa-rasa-nidhi
tā̐ra sama nā bhāviha śubha-karma ādi

Incomparable Name of Krishna—the treasure of ecstasy:
Never dare compare it with auspicious piety.


nāme śraddhā-hina-jana—vidhātā vāñchita
tāre nāma dāne aparādha suniśchita

Those who’re faithless t’ward the Name—deceived by Providence:
Giving them the Holy Name surely’s an offence.


śuniyāo kṛṣṇa-nāma-māhātmya apāra
ye prīti-rahita, sei narādhama chhāra
ahaṁtā mamatā yāra antare bāhire
śuddha kṛṣṇa-nāma tāra kabhu nāhi sphure

Despite them hearing the infinite glories of Krishna’s Name,
Those whose hearts don’t melt in love are rascals of ill fame;
Only pride and avarice their thoughts and deeds do yield—
The pure Name of Krishna to them is ne’er revealed.


ei daśa aparādha kariyā varjjana
ye sujana kare harināma saṅkīrttana
apūrva śrī-kṛṣṇa-prema labhya tāre haya
nāma-prabhu tāra hṛde nitya vilasaya

Casting off these ten offences, leaving no exception,
Those pure souls who chant the Name in holy congregation—
The miracle of love for Krishna they will surely savour,
The Name Divine Himself will shine within their hearts forever.



An alternative version of the translation:

Daśa-vidha Nāmāparādha

The Ten Offences to the Holy Name

Bengali poem composed by
Śrīla Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswāmī Mahārāj


hari-nāma mahāmantra sarva-mantra-sāra
yā̐dera karuṇā-bale jagate prachāra
sei nāma-parāyaṇa sādhu, mahājana
tā̐hādera nindā nā kariha kadāchana

(1) The Hare Kṛṣṇa Mahāmantra, the very best of all mantras, is distributed all over the world by the powerful mercy of the sādhus in whose hearts the Holy Name displays His divine Pastimes (Nāma-parāyaṇas). Such Mahājanas (great souls), who are dear-most to the Lord and the source of our connection to His Holy Name, should never be criticised or deprecated at any time.

[First Offence: To offend the Lord’s devotees.]


vrajendra-nandana kṛṣṇa sarveśvareśvara
maheśvara ādi tā̐ra sevana-tatpara
nāma chintāmaṇi kṛṣṇa-chaitanya-svarūpa
bheda-jñāna nā karibe līlā-guṇa-rūpa

(2) Vrajendra-nandan Kṛṣṇa—the Emporium of all rasa, the eternally youthful, original form of the Supreme Personality of Godhead who plays ecstatically within Goloka Vṛndāvan Dhām in the full range of spiritual relationships (rāsas)—is the all-attractive Lord of all Lords (Nārāyaṇ, Viṣṇu, etc.); the Lord of everything and everyone (Sarveśvareśvara). All the Lord’s expansions and all the demigods headed by Lord Śiva (Maheśvara) enthusiastically serve Him with great earnestness, considering Him the supreme object of their devotion (tatpara).

The Lord’s Holy Name is a transcendental, wish-fulfilling gem non-different from Lord Kṛṣṇa Himself (Nāma chintāmaṇi Kṛṣṇa-Chaitanya-svarūpa), so the Lord’s divine Pastimes, qualities and form (līlā-guṇa-rūpa) should never be considered different from His Holy Name (as they are revealed in our hearts by His wish-fulfilling Holy Name who fulfills all of our desires). Alternatively, Nāma chintāmaṇi Kṛṣṇa-Chaitanya-svarūpa... can be taken to mean: Śrī Kṛṣṇa Chaitanya Mahāprabhu is the preeminent, non-different divine form of the wish-fulfilling Holy Name—the Hare Kṛṣṇa Mahāmantra. One should never distinguish the wish-fulfilling Holy Name—Mahāprabhu Himself—from His form, His qualities, or His Pastimes of exhibiting the Holy Name’s infinitely ecstatic, divine nature and fulfilling everyone’s desires by personally distributing prema for Vrajendra-nandan Kṛṣṇa in the full range of spiritual relationships (Madhura-rasa, etc.) through His wish-fulfilling Holy Name.

[Second Offence: To consider the demigods equal to the Supreme Lord; and to consider the Lord’s Holy Name, form, qualities and Pastimes to be distinct from Him.]


“guru kṛṣṇa-rūpa hana śāstrera pramāṇe
guru-rūpe kṛṣṇa kṛpā kare bhāgyavāne’’
se gurute martya-buddhi avajñādi tyaji
iṣṭa-lābha kara, nirantara nāma bhaji

(3) The Scriptures substantiate (Śrī Chaitanya-charitāmṛta, Ādi-līlā, 1.45; Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam: 11.17.27; etc.) that Gurudev is a non-different form of Kṛṣṇa Himself. In His form of Gurudev, Kṛṣṇa bestows His mercy upon the fortunate souls. Therefore, one should reject the illusory propensity to conceive of Gurudev as an ordinary mortal with worldly purpose (martya-buddhi), as well as all disrespect (avamanya), disloyalty, disobedience and contempt (avajñā), envy (asūya), etc. of Gurudev. Rather, one should consider Gurudev his cherished, worshippable Master capable of fulfilling all his desires to gain his highest objective (iṣṭa-lābha— Kṛṣṇa-prema), by faithfully and hopefully serving the Holy Name without cessation, forever.

[Third Offence: To offend Śrī Gurudev.]


śruti, śruti-mātā-saha sātvata purāṇa
śrī-nāma-charaṇa-padma kare nīrājana
sei śruti-śāstra yebā karaye nindana
se aparadhīra saṅga karibe varjjana

(4) The revealed Truth—descending from Mother Gāyatrī into its culmination in the Mahā-purāṇa, Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam—constantly worships (lit. offers ārati to) the lotus feet of Śrī Nāma Prabhu (the Holy Name) with the revelatory, illuminating knowledge of pure devotion. Anyone who blasphemes any of the purely devotional Scriptures of Revealed Truth, either by direct vilification or by propagating antithetical pseudo-doctrines, is an offender whose bad association must always be shunned.

[Fourth Offence: To blasphemy the Scriptures.]


nāmera mahimā sarva-śāstrete vākhāne
atistuti, heno kabhu nā bhāviha mane
agastya, ananta, brahmā, śivādi satata
ye nāma-mahimā-gāthā saṅkīrttana-rata
se nāma-mahimā-sindhu ke pāibe pāra
atistuti bale yei—sei durāchāra

(5) The glories of the Holy Name are proclaimed in all the revealed Scriptures and one should never consider that such glorification is exaggerated praise (atistuti). Agastya, Ananta, Brahmā, Śiva, and all the most highly qualified, exalted and empowered personalities, constantly chant the unending glories of the Holy Name in saṅkīrttan with full-hearted fervour. Who then can cross the infinite, oceanic glories of the Holy Name? Anyone who profanes that the glories of the Holy Name are exaggerated praise (atistuti) is a sinful miscreant devoid of spiritual fortune (sukṛti).

[Fifth Offence: To consider the glories of the Holy Name to be exaggeration.]


kṛṣṇa-nāmāvali nitya golokera dhana
kalpita, prākṛta, bhāve—aparādhi-jana

(6) The Holy Names of Kṛṣṇa are the eternal wealth of Goloka Vṛndāvan, the highest, most ecstatic plane within the self-revealed (adhokṣaja), supra-mundane (aprākṛta) spiritual world. Anyone who fosters the mood that the Holy Names of Kṛṣṇa are imaginary (kalpita) or mundane (prākṛta) is an offender.

[Sixth Offence: To consider the glories of the Holy Name to be mundane or imaginary.]


nāme sarva-pāpa-kṣaya sarva-śāstre kaya
sārā-dina pāpa kari sei bharasāya—
emata durbuddhi yāra sei aparādhi
māyā-pravañchita, duḥkha bhuñje niravadhi

(7) It is the exhaustive conclusion of all the Scriptures that the Holy Name can destroy all sin. But those of duplicitous misconception (durbuddhi) who spend all their days engaged in sinful activity, wickedly relying on the redeeming power of the Holy Name to nullify their sinful activity, are offenders deceived by Māyā (dispossessed of the Holy Name’s grace) who are destined to suffer perpetually.

[Seventh Offence: To sin on the strength of one’s so-called chanting of the Holy Name.]


atulya śrī-kṛṣṇa-nāma pūrṇa-rasa-nidhi
tā̐ra sama nā bhāviha śubha-karma ādi

(8) Śrī Kṛṣṇa-Nāma is an incomparable, overflooded reservoir of rāsa (love, ecstasy, nectar, divine relationship, etc.) non-different from the Lord Himself, and Śrī Kṛṣṇa-Nāma-saṅkīrttan is itself the absolute means to serve and satisfy Kṛṣṇa (i.e. pursue and realise our own divine purpose and objective). Therefore, the chanting of Śrī Kṛṣṇa-Nāma should never be considered equal or even comparable to mere relative, mundane pious karma such as: conventional religiosity (dharma), adhering to vows (vrata), renunciation and penance (tyāga), religious ritual and sacrifice (huta); pilgrimage, philanthropy, nationalism, etc.

[Eighth Offence: To consider chanting the Holy Name equivalent to pious karma.]


nāme śraddhā-hina-jana—vidhātā vāñchita
tāre nāma dāne aparādha suniśchita

(9) Those who are deceived by Providence and therefore faithless and averse to the Holy Name—it is assuredly an offence to instruct them in the process of serving the Holy Name.

[Ninth Offence: To try to give the Holy Name to the faithless.]


śuniyāo kṛṣṇa-nāma-māhātmya apāra
ye prīti-rahita, sei narādhama chhāra
ahaṁtā mamatā yāra antare bāhire
śuddha kṛṣṇa-nāma tāra kabhu nāhi sphure

(10) One who hears the boundless glories of Krṣṇa-Nāma but remains devoid of love for Kṛṣṇa-Nāma—whose heart does not melt in love for Kṛṣṇa-Nāma—is an impenitent and estranged fallen soul, the very lowest of mankind (narādhama chhāra). The pure Holy Name of Kṛṣṇa (śuddha-Kṛṣṇa-Nāma) does not reveal Himself to such persons who resist the divine influence of the Holy Name—whose thoughts, words, and deeds are internally and externally consumed by incorrigible attachment to the mundane, egotistical illusion of “I, me and mine” (ahaṁtā mamatā).

[Tenth Offence: To maintain one’s material attachments while chanting the Holy Name.]


ei daśa aparādha kariyā varjjana
ye sujana kare harināma saṅkīrttana
apūrva śrī-kṛṣṇa-prema labhya tāre haya
nāma-prabhu tāra hṛde nitya vilasaya

(11) The pure souls who engage in Hari-Nāma-saṅkīrttan, avoiding the ten offences to the Holy Name, taste the miraculous fruit of Śrī Kṛṣṇa-prema as Śrī Nāma-Prabhu (the personal, autocratic and merciful Holy Name, non-different from the Lord Himself) appears in their hearts and eternally reveals His ecstatic form, qualities and Pastimes. Alternatively, this verse can be taken to mean:

Those pure souls who engage in Mahāprabhu Śrī Chaitanyadev’s own process of Hari-Nāma-saṅkīrttan, avoiding the ten offences, taste the unprecedented fruit of Kṛṣṇa-prema exclusively distributed by Mahāprabhu, as He Himself (Nāma-Prabhu) appears in their hearts and possesses them with His own Divine Ecstatic Play.


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